ISGH Rules & Regulations
Registration and Tuition
All students’ tuition fee must be paid in full for the semester. Students need to present the tuition receipt of payment for class enrollment.
Arrival and Departure of the Students
School will start with a Dua’a (supplication) at 10:00 A.M. All Students must attend Dua’a then go to their classes. Parents are advised to be present at the facility latest by 1:55 pm to join with their children for the Zuhr prayer at 2:00 P.M. (which is a part of school curriculum for the student). The School will not assume any responsibility for late pickups.
Students need to maintain their proper behavior during all school hours. Parents will be notified about their children’s misbehavior. All students must respect teachers/volunteers and adults in the school.
Dress Code
Students need to be dressed modestly. Girls MUST wear scarf/hijab, (white) for boys, pants need to be below their knees, wearing tank tops, or shirts with pictures/offensive logos are not appropriate attire for school. Failure to observe the dress code might result in sending the students back home.
Equipment, etc.
Students are not allowed to bring toys, entertaining or musical equipment to the school. Outdoor playground equipment needs to be used safely and properly. Older children should be polite to the younger ones. No baseball/Cricket allowed in the parking lot area. Excluding basketball area and playground.
Absence without information
Students need to bring a written excuse from their parents. Any absence for three consecutive Sundays without informing the teacher or school administration might result ultimately in cancellation of student’s admission.
Fighting and Abusing School Property
Fighting, using abusive language, or abusing school property would result in the detention/suspension of a student.